The Belgian jazz musician Dani Klein once told a black American male colega that she was taking a philosophy course at the university nowadays.. "Why?" he asked. "To discover the meaning of life," Dani said. He had to really laugh. "Bull shit,' he said." There is nothing to understand. Music is all there is.".
my "groupie wall". depicts only women. because in general women are too modest and usually find it presumptuous to promote themselves, so I do it for all of us.
we women are raised with the paternalistic belief that we are sweet, caring and dependent. western women not much less than african and oriental women, as far as I know. we get little recognition. if a woman cooks well, she is a good wife, if a guy cooks well, he's a chef the wall .shows images of women that I admire for their wit, wisdom, intelligence, creativity, beauty, nerve, charm, tenacity and thousand other reasons that I will tell about in the course of this blog., |
November 2023